Monday, June 30, 2014

Moline Week 2 - Mission Week 39

"HOLY CRAP" as dad would hate to hear me say: HALF WAY THROUGH!!!!! CRAZY!!!!!!

I hit my half way mark this week and it's been crazy to think that I am already half way: I feel like I JUST got done training and have NOT figured out a study pattern yet. And on the other hand, I feel so tired of people breaking my heart as they reject the Gospel and feel like I am getting comfortable in "my style" of teaching. It's this huge back and forth between not being too hard on myself and knowing that there is more to do. I want the Spirit to just take over!!!!!!

That sounds a little heavy, but honestly I have been lighter this week than I have been in months. This area has SO much potential. Sister Batty and I are just diving in and we have set 1 baptism date and found 4 new investigators in the 10 and a half days I have been here. Which is NO work of my own. This area is just on fire. We do "zone texts" here where we text the zone leaders every time we set a date or invite to baptism and then they forward it to the whole zone. Our phone EXPLODES like every day! It's crazy.

The Spirit is everything!

Love you!

Sister Batty got a hump day shirt too and a baby camel. hahahaha 

We also got ice cream with another elder in our ward who came out with us. So fun to celebrate together!

Look what I got!

Same Corn field one week later!!!

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