Hurrah! Missions are the best!
This week was a GOOD ONE!!!!! (I feel like it's been awhile.) Mostly because the Lord has blessed me with a lot of answers. I feel that I have waited patiently and this week Heavenly Father dumped blessings on my heart. Nothing drastic happened, but it was a lot of little things that I felt were Heavenly Father's mercies to me personally. And I think that was the biggest answer of all: that the Lord works by the small and simple. I had to learn that the hard way :)
Some random happenings:
Taught cool lesson to a member. we ended up just talking for 2 hours about the gospel and her conversion to it. I hope it helped her. It certainly was a huge blessing for me to explain it the way I did.
Taught these two kids: Ma--- and Am---: 13 and 14. They talked to their parents about baptism before we even asked them too. Their parents weren't too happen, but Marco basically said he really wanted to know if the BoM was true, so we are excited to see where this goes.
Pa--- and Be--- are these two sisters (in their 50's) that I love. They are so busy and always reschedule but this week Patty said she "read the book" and was excited to talk to us. SO HAPPY! Batty and I little danced for like 2 minutes in the car.
Taught Ni---. She is our age and just baptized in May. She is the GREATEST. We had two super great talks this week about how the gospel has completely changed her. Because she had super awesome spiritual experiences. She is truly changed and I feel like she has come into my life for a really specific reason. I feel like I really needed her. She really understands what it means to use the Atonement and feel the Savior's love for you.
So I had that in mind one "lunch break" and started writing about the Atonement and had this really sweet experience as i wrote out my thoughts about my Savior and His relationship to me and how I really have felt His love for me personally and how that has really changed me. I LOVE THE ATONEMENT! It changes EVERYTHING. Including hearts.
We also finally made contact with a less active named Co- and he has been wanting to embrace the gospel again. We came over to teach him and he felt the Spirit and started WEEPING and told us it felt so good to finally feel it again.
The Spirit means everything to me. The Spirit testifies to our hearts that the Savior loves us and what He did for us and when I feel that, my heart is happier than I ever thought it could be.
We also had Zone Conference this week. Even though we should have been at the Nauvoo ZC, President asked us to go to the Iowa City one instead and I got to see Murphy and Farnsworth and it was the sweetest reunion. I wanted to talk to them for hours. And President is SO inspired so it's always good to hear from him.
Sister "Sumpsh"